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Sooooo.... You want a business coach or mentor?

Writer's picture: ULTISproULTISpro

Check their history and their results. Not just their wins, but how they’ve overcome their tough times (aka hell on earth) in business and turned lemons into lemonade. Watch how they handle their tough situations, and then decide if that is someone you want to lead you in the right direction.

After our investment delivered 9+ units of profit yesterday, I reviewed our daily successes in business and people, and as usual, they are epic.

I write this after having a read through a number of enquiries today, on what they’ve achieved, and why they're enquiring with us.

My toughest time in life was caring and losing my mother to MND whilst running our businesses, then the following year, my partner being severely injured, and caring for him whilst going through the motions of surgery, rehab and detox, and seeing how now living with disability has changed him as an individual. All of this whilst being a new mum, and then I forgot to mention being trolled and bullied by the world that is social media as well. All in a day’s work of being successful I suppose. But no matter what the world says, I continued on, kicking goals on a daily basis, and why I won’t call myself a mentor or coach, is because I do the business part, and will continue to do so on the daily, including our businesses, and our investment - to make sure my skills are kept up to scratch. I'm certainly not a sit back and watch type of person.

I shy away from the term coach or mentor, because although we support our clients, we also develop, test and build the strategy to deliver the results, whilst doing the work. Because we exist to prove nothing is impossible - and if you don’t do it, we’ll help someone else who wants to achieve it. Or just build the business and on sell it to make a good profit.

When I was a child, any sport I did, I had a coach, but I didn’t perform well being told what to do - I performed well being shown, and supported along the way. Also, if your prospective mentor has children, have a look at how their children behave, and that will tell you exactly what type of person you’re about to get into business with. My six year old receives whole school awards for kindness and compassion, feeds the homeless, gives her coat to a child in need in winter, and stands up to bullies, and that’s exactly what we do, and the ripple effect is now a generational shift in humanity.

We work with big visions and small, and we prove nothing is impossible, with a homeless man being a $10,000 success in less than a month, or a bankrupt big business projecting $27million a month in less than 12 weeks, that's the result of strategy.

We look at tough topics in society, and taboo subjects, and come up with proactive ways to problem solve, without the quick fix. We aim for imperfect and goal achieving, rather than perfect.

We prioritise our ROI and value management for our clients, as we don’t like missed opportunities, when our $42 time fee produces a $400 weekly opportunity for a small business client, it doesn’t get much better than that for ROI in small business - or when our two hour meeting results in 7-8 figures for a client and a saving of 30% off their bottom line, that’s what we call smart ROI.

Not to mention our investment well and truly describes the type of people we are, delivering up to 1000 units of profit per year.

We've taken people from broken and crying, to overwhelmed with success, and we ride with them through every high and every low, as long as they want to achieve it - we will be there for the journey.

Now... what are you looking for in your mentor or coach?


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